Courthouse hires security firm for protection

WENTWORTH NC Jan 3 2008 — Anyone with courthouse business Tuesday should make plans to show up a little earlier.
County officials will begin implementing new security measures at the Rockingham County Courthouse. A metal detector has been installed, and the county also has hired a private security company to man the main courthouse entrance.
These new measures bring the century-old Rockingham courthouse on par with what other courthouses are already doing to protect employees and residents.
County officials have been studying increasing security at the courthouse for about 18 months, said Tom Wagoner, the county's director of environmental and engineering services.
Installing the metal detector and hiring a security company is the last phase of the project. About eight months ago, employees began carrying badges that will give them access to the building. Several new cameras have been added, including nine within the past six months, Wagoner said.
All guns, knives, Mace and pepper spray will be considered contraband, said Robert Settle, a lieutenant with the Reidsville-based Mid-State Security Guard & Patrol Services.
Rockingham County Sheriff Sam Page said there have been incidents where his deputies have recovered knives from people in the courthouse area. "The last thing you want is a weapon or a firearm getting into this facility," Page said.
Wagoner estimated that about $100,000 has been spent thus far on security upgrades.
County staff members visited courthouses in the area as part of their study on security. Amelia Dallas, vice chairwoman of the Rockingham County commissioners, said officials weighed hiring private security against hiring additional deputies to staff the courthouse entrance. Contracting with an outside company proved to be more cost-efficient, she said.
"We just thought that it would be a good opportunity for us to try this private security company and see how it works out," Dallas said.
Page said security guards will have the authority to detain people, and his deputies will be on hand to assist if needed.
County officials will begin implementing new security measures at the Rockingham County Courthouse. A metal detector has been installed, and the county also has hired a private security company to man the main courthouse entrance.
These new measures bring the century-old Rockingham courthouse on par with what other courthouses are already doing to protect employees and residents.
County officials have been studying increasing security at the courthouse for about 18 months, said Tom Wagoner, the county's director of environmental and engineering services.
Installing the metal detector and hiring a security company is the last phase of the project. About eight months ago, employees began carrying badges that will give them access to the building. Several new cameras have been added, including nine within the past six months, Wagoner said.
All guns, knives, Mace and pepper spray will be considered contraband, said Robert Settle, a lieutenant with the Reidsville-based Mid-State Security Guard & Patrol Services.
Rockingham County Sheriff Sam Page said there have been incidents where his deputies have recovered knives from people in the courthouse area. "The last thing you want is a weapon or a firearm getting into this facility," Page said.
Wagoner estimated that about $100,000 has been spent thus far on security upgrades.
County staff members visited courthouses in the area as part of their study on security. Amelia Dallas, vice chairwoman of the Rockingham County commissioners, said officials weighed hiring private security against hiring additional deputies to staff the courthouse entrance. Contracting with an outside company proved to be more cost-efficient, she said.
"We just thought that it would be a good opportunity for us to try this private security company and see how it works out," Dallas said.
Page said security guards will have the authority to detain people, and his deputies will be on hand to assist if needed.
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